Named after Angelina Jolie’s Namibian-born daughter, Shiloh shares a massive camp on the N/a’an ku sê Reserve with siblings, Odyssey and Wonder. Born in 2015, Shiloh and her siblings needed to be raised in captivity, this ensuring their survival. Their mother had developed gestational diabetes which prevented her from lactating. A lack of milk production would have meant the death of the cubs. Instead, the trio was lovingly hand raised by Marlice van Vuuren, the co-founder of the N/a’an ku sê Foundation, herself. Sickly at birth, the cubs demanded a strict routine and immense care. We’re good at that at the N/a’an ku sê Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary, and the cubs steadily grew stronger. Developing into incredible cats, they have become amazing ambassadors for their wild counterparts.
Bring Shiloh into your family for just USD 200.00 per year. Every cent raised supports the animals of the N/a’an ku sê Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary.
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