A wild male cheetah having entered his mother’s enclosure at the N/a’an ku sê Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary, Bullet was born in 2016. Now, captive births are a strict no-no in Namibia, and the N/a’an ku sê Foundation fully supports this notion. Exotic animal trade and the exploitation of wild animals are prevented as a result (thank goodness). Bear in mind that the N/a’an ku sê Foundation has put many measures in place to prevent captive births. But accidents happen, this one resulting in the birth of gorgeous Bullet. Bullet shares his large camp on the N/a’an ku sê Reserve with fellow big cats, Bolt and Flash. He enjoys the luxury of frolics in a massive 100-hectare camp, hunting opportunities also arising. Yes, the bounding boys have brought down prey including various antelope species. There’s nothing better than seeing them embrace their natural urges, while educating all who have the honour of meeting them about the plight of global cheetah populations. Only an estimated 7,100 cheetahs remain – a sobering thought.
Let Bullet speed into your life with a symbolic animal adoption. For only USD 200.00 per year this magnificent male will no doubt capture your heart. And the best part? All funds raised support the animals of the N/a’an ku sê Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary.
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